Sulfate Reduction

Microbes that use sulfate or elemental sulfur to support energy for growth.

Electron donors are generally organic matter, glas flux in the form of H2S.

Ecosystem: all aquatic sediments, ranging from cold -> geothermal; rice paddies; they are frequently in competion with H2 metabolizers (primarily methanogens)

Primary investigators for literature search: Hansen, Widdell

From Prokaryote: above Metabolic principle of sulfate-reducing bacteria. As in other anaerobic bacteria, the main part of the electron donor is oxidized for energy conservation, and only a minor fraction is assimilated into cell mass. Catabolism (energy metabolism) is shown in black; anabolism (cell synthesis) is shown in red.

<- 16S r RNA tree showing distribution of sulfate reduction, boxes indicate genera that exhibit the metabolism.