General Data on Evolutionary Processes

Microevolutionary, Macroevolutionary

Macroevolutionary - Gene Duplication  

Point mutations, insertions, deletions and chromosomal rearrangement occur at a rate of at least 2-3 orders of magnitude greater than that of duplications (Lynch and Conery 2000)

*Dup genes from 7 genomes, average rate of of 0.01/gene/million years, similar to mutation rate per nucleotide.
*Average 1/2 life of dup gene is small, 4.0 million years.
*Dup gene experience brief period of relaces selection early (a minority exhibit the signature of directional selection), if they survive more than a few million years they experience strong purifying selection.
*Origin of new fuction appears to be a very rare fate for dup genes.
*More significant role may be generation of microchromosal rearrangements.