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Sponsoring Section/Society: ASA-SBSS

Session Slot: 10:30-12:20 Thursday

Estimated Audience Size: 100

AudioVisual Request: Overhead Projector, Slide Projector

Session Title: Bayesian Generalized Linear Models

The role of the statistician in public policy is to help stakeholders effectively use information and accurately quantify uncertainty when making decisions. This often requires blending of information from many samples or sites. This blending creates several problems: 1) the increased heterogeniety observed across samples is not accounted for using conventional models, 2) geographic correlation of samples may need to be incorporated, and 3) estimates may be needed at both local and global levels. Bayesian hierarchical models are especially well suited to solving these problem. In this session speakers will discuss how Bayesian Generalized Linear Models can be used to solve these problems using examples from environmental monitoring, geographic and temporal disease mapping, and risk assessment.

Theme Session: No

Applied Session: No

Session Organizer: Sun, Dongchu University of Missouri

Address: Dongchu Sun Department of Statistics University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573-882-7675

Fax: 573-884-5524


Session Timing: 110 minutes total (Sorry about format):

Opening Remarks by Chair - 5 First Speaker - 30 minutes Second Speaker - 30 minutes Third Speaker - 30 minutes Discussant - 10 minutes Floor Discusion - 5 minutes

Session Chair: Speckman, Paul L. University of Missouri-Columbia

Address: Paul L. Speckman Department of Statistics 222 Math Sciences Building University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 860-486-3414

Fax: 860-486-4113


1. Overdispersed Generalized Linear Models

Dey, Dipak K.,   University of Connecticut

Address: Dipak K. Day Department of Statistics University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-3120

Phone: 860-486-3414

Fax: 860-486-4113


Abstract: Generalized linear models have become a standard class of models for data analysts. However in some applications, heterogeneity in samples is too great to be explained by the simple variance function implicit in such models. A two parameter exponential family which is overdispersed relative to a specified one parameter exponential family yields a the class of overdispersed generalized linear models (OGLM's) which are analytically attractive. We propose fitting such models within a Bayesian framework employing noninformative priors in order to let the data drive the inference. Hence our analysis approximates likelihood-based inference but provides an entire posterior distribution for model parameters. Bayesian calculations are carried out using a Metropolis sampling algorithm. An example involving damage incidents to cargo ships motivates our work. Details of the data analysis are provided including comparison with the standard generalized linear models analysis. Several diagnostic tools reveal the improved performance of the OGLM.

2. Hierarchical and Empirical Bayes Methods for Environmental Risk Assessment

Sankar, Gauri Sankar,   University of Georgia

Address: Gauri Sankar Datta Department of Statistics University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602

Phone: 301-457-4728

Fax: 301-457-2299


Ghosh, Malay, University of Florida

Waller, Lance A., University of Minnesota

Abstract: The cancer and other disease atlases have become important tools for environmental monitoring and risk assessment. To study geographical variation in incidence of disease and mortality rates for local areas preparation of these maps has received considerable attention in recent years. Such maps usually display either relative rates in each area, as measured by a standardized mortality ratio (SMR), or p-values based on some statistical tests. None of these methods is entirely satisfactory. The raw SMR estimates are often based on small sample sizes, and hence are usually unreliable. In order to borrow strength from the local areas and to smooth the raw estimates a model-based procedure is often appropriate. We will review the recent developments in hierarchical Bayes generalized linear models including random effects for local areas. Both hierarchical and empirical Bayes estimation will be considered.

3. Default Bayesian Analysis for Generalized Linear Model

Sun, Dongchu,   University of Missouri

Address: Dongchu Sun Department of Statistics University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573-882-7675

Fax: 573-884-5524


Tsutakawa, Robert, University of Missouri

Abstract: Bayesian analysis for a generalized linear model, where the prior follows a hierarchical linear mixed model, has received much attention recently. In practice, it is often very difficult to choose the hyperparameters. This paper first gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the propriety of the posterior distribution in hierarchical linear mixed effects models for a collection of improper prior distributions. In addition to the flat prior for the fixed effects, the collection includes various limiting forms of the invariant gamma distribution for the variance components, including cases considered previously by Datta and Ghosh (1991), Datta (1992), and Hobert and Casella (1996). Previous work is extended by considering a family of correlated random effects which include as special cases the CAR (1) models by Besag, York and Mollie (1991) and Clayton and Kaldor (1987) and autoregressive model by Ord (1975), which have been found useful in the analysis of spatial effects. A noninformative prior for the spatial correlation coefficients are also examined. Conditions are then presented for the propriety of the posterior distribution for generalized linear mixed models. The methods are successfully applied for estimating the mortality or disease rates including demographic variables such as age and sex, random geographic variables such as regional differences, longitudinal variables such as temporal trends in mortality, and spatial variables such as the correlation between neighboring regions.

Discussant: Albert, Jim   Bowling Green State University

Address: Jim Albert Department of Mathematics and Statistics Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403

Phone: 419-372-7456

Fax: 419-372-6092


List of speakers who are nonmembers: None

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