STAT 385: Methods For Data Analysis

Homework and Lab Policy

Overall Submission Requirements

In order to receive a grade for your homework, hard copy must be submitted. In addition to a hard copy, you must also submit an electronic copy of your homework.  You are required to submit your papers in both locations for full credit.  If either submission is late, then there will be a 20% penalty on the homework.   This policy will be strictly enforced.  Please keep this in mind when homework due dates come up.

Even though you may work on homework with others in your lab group, you need to each write up your own paper.  You may all have the same graphs, but your written sentences need to be in your own words (i.e. if you are asked to explain the differences between two graphs, please put it in your own words, even if you discuss the answers together).  There will be grade consequences if this is not done.  Each partner must submit a separate electronic solution and make sure that all names are included on each submission.

Regarding the Lab(s), your Lab(s) must be turned in to the designated STAT 385 inbox in Duncan Hall 1092 by 5pm on the due date.  Please do not place the Lab anywhere but this box.  If you place the lab somewhere else (under the TA's office door, other graders' boxes, etc), there is a chance that the TA will not receive it.  The only way to ensure that we have your lab on time is for it to be in the designated mailbox.  If we do not have your HW/lab by 5 pm on the due date, there will be a late penalty.  

What to Turn In

When you submit your homework, please type your solutions in a word processor document and copy/paste graphs or spreadsheet summaries into this document.  Do not hand in any Excel spreadsheets or print data.  DO NOT JUST PRINT OUT AN ENTIRE SPREADSHEET!  It is extremely difficult to go back and forth between spreadsheets.  For example, in one homework you are asked to simulate 500 random numbers.  Please, do not include this in your solutions.  Just state that you ran the simulation.  Make sure that a grader/reviewer can read the graphs, i.e., make the font large enough, etc.  

Where to Turn In

You may bring your hard copy paper to class and hand it into the instructor. You may also turn the hard copy into STAT 385 incoming mail slot in the mailroom of Duncan Hall. PLEASE NOTE: Assignments turned into the TA or graders' personal mailbox ARE NOT considered submitted. The TA is not expected to regularly check his/her personal mailbox and so will not accept any submission to this mailbox. If you submit any assignment due to the TA's personal mailbox, you will have to come and retrieve it and submit the assignment to the STAT 385 mailbox or in class the day it is due as outlined. We are sorry for any inconvenience, but it is better this way than to receive a zero when your assignment is not counted. The soft copy must be turned into Canvas in the assignment submission area. If you try to submit your homework after the acceptance deadline, please keep in mind that Canvas will not allow this.

When to Turn In

Homeworks/assignments are due in class on the day of the assignment due-date.  Assignments should be turned in at the beginning of class so you do not miss the lectures on account of completing assignments while in class.  The actual deadline for all hard and soft copy submission is 5pm on the due date.  Make sure your homework is on time or it will NOT be graded, even if it is only a few minutes late.

Exceptions and Extensions

There will be no individual extensions granted for homework or labs, it would not be fair to the rest of the class, and those other students who have received a penalty.  If you have a reason for turning in a homework late, or are missing a homework, this is not a problem as we will drop the lowest homework grade at the end of the semester.

Time Management and Other Tips

If you complete your homework on time, study for the quizzes, and do well on the project, you will have no problem doing well in this course.  Please stay on top of the work for the rest of the semester.  We recommend reading the textbook before lab, coming to lab sessions on Tuesday or Wednesday nights from 6-8pm., and going to all lectures.  This will give you a good amount of time spent with the material, and will give you a chance to ask questions and work with your fellow students.  Perhaps you can pick a day and spend that day on this course.  We know that schedules get busy, but we ask that you give this class the same amount of attention that you would any other class, or any other obligation be it social, educational, etc.

Rev. 7/17/18