Best of... STAT 486/686

Due to many requests, we have established the "Best of 486/686" website for recollection and comparison. Hope you enjoy.

Spring 2009

Spring 2010

Spring 2011

Spring 2012

Spring 2020

Final projects compilation (with TOC)

1.DeepDive into the VIX.pdf
2.MaxMedian to the Max.Chen_Damaraju_Mandel_Topini.2020.pdf
3.Volume-Based Trading Strategies.pdf
4.Quarantined COVID Stock Market.pdf
5.Oil price & company performance.regressions.pdf
6.Compare 4 strategies.alpha.Manning_Yuan_Zhou.2020.pdf
7.MarketModeling_SV and stock models.incompleteMkt.pdf
7.Stock Indices Pricing under Incomplete Market.pdf