How to use prosper: =================== For basic latexing: ------------------- Put the following line into your .cshrc (or your personal setting file): setenv TEXINPUTS '.:/home/helpdesk/trial/latex/prosper:/usr/site/teTeX/texmf/tex//' Besically, this tells latex to search /home/helpdesk/trial/latex/prosper and then its default path. For Lyx: -------- You need first set up latex as described above, then 1. Create ~/.lyx/layouts if it does not exists 2. copy lyx layout files for prosper to ~/.lyx/layouts, i.e. fire command cp /home/helpdesk/trial/latex/prosper/lyx/* ~/.lyx/layouts 3. Using a new terminal (so that you have $TEXINPUTS correctly set), start lyx. 4. Edit--> Reconfigure If you can see ... check LateX configuration... ... checking for document class prosper [prosper] ... yes. prosper is correctly set up. Congratulations. 5. Restart lyx and use prosper as your document style. 6. If you need fancier effects, read the following manual: /home/helpdesk/trial/latex/prosper/doc/prosper-doc.pdf Note: 1. You can change an existing document's style to prosper. If your original style is simple, there will be no problem. Or, you will have to correct some syntax errors. 2. You might need to copy some of the pictures from /home/helpdesk/trial/latex/prosper/img to your directory to make use of fancy item markers. IMPORTANT! 3. If you happens to be using the new lyx-1.2.0 under /home/helpdesk/newbin, you need to add options: contemporain,pdf,accumulate,slideColor,colorBG when you change your document style to prosper. Please feel free to write to if you have any question about this document. Department of Statistics Rice University $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2002/09/11 21:07:20 $