Can you find a simpler way to run SAS than this? 1. emacs ( you will have syntax coloring and all the editing power of emacs.) 2. Press F3 That is all. SAS will be called and the output and log will be put in sample.lst and sample.log. You can press F5 and F6 to view these files from the program window. Some better things: 1. Run command: M-x ess-sas-global-unix-keys and you will be able to use F4, F5, F6 to switch between program, log and output windows. You can also make use of other standard or non-standard SAS keys (notably C-F3 to submit selected text to SAS). Details can be found at Note: You can include (ess-sas-global-unix-keys) in your .emacs file but then you will not be able to use F2,...F12 for other purposes. 2. You can also use SAS in interactive mode by running command: M-x SAS Four buffers will appear on screen: in ESS[SAS] mode # your source file *SAS:1* in iESS [SAS:1] mode # ESS communication buffer *SAS:1.log* in Shell [] ESStr mode # SAS log information *SAS:1.lst* in Shell [] ESSlst mode # SAS listing information and you will be able to submit regions, lines, or the entire file contents to SAS. A highlighted region will normally begin with the keywords 'DATA' or 'PROC' and end with the keyword 'RUN;'. Note that the keybindings for this mode is different. Put the following lines to your .emacs file if you would like to use F9, F10, F11 in ESS/R style. (define-key sas-mode-local-map (quote [f9]) 'ess-eval-line-and-step) (define-key sas-mode-local-map (quote [f10]) 'ess-eval-region) (define-key sas-mode-local-map (quote [f11]) 'ess-ess-eval-buffer) I would like to thank Blair for finding out a configuration mistake that prevent SAS from starting. If you have any question, please feel free to write to This text will be put under