(30 pts) A marketing researcher studied annual sales of a product that had been introduced 10 years ago. The data are as follows, where X is the year (coded) and Y is sales in thousands of units: X Y 0 98 1 135 2 162 3 178 4 221 5 232 6 283 7 300 8 374 9 395 a) Prepare a scatterplot of the data. Does a linear relation appear appropriate here? Superimpose the OLS line. b) Use the Box-Cox procedure to investigate the effects of transforming Y. Produce a plot of the scaled SSE as a function of lambda. What transformation would you use? c) Using the transformed data, plot the data and the estimated regression line. Does the regression line appear to be a good fit to the transformed data? d) Compare residual plots and normal QQ plots of the residuals for both the raw and the transformed data. Is there an obvious improvement?