library("bioPN") onlyR <- F if (!onlyR) { # NOTE: change extension .so to .dll if in Windows dyn.load("") } source("constants.R") source("places_transitions.R") source("model.R") source("fast_slow.R") source("initcond.R") #cat("\nInitial conditions are rounded to zero decimals to start\n") #cat("as some quantities have to be integers for the stochastic simulation.\n\n") print(M <- round(M,0)) ect <- 1e-9 delta <- 10*60 runs <- 10 <- min(30,runs) if (onlyR) { Gy <- 2 timep <- function() { StartTime = round(StartTime,0) EndTime = 82*3600 if (StartTime == 0) { y[Gamma] = 0 y[TNF] = 0 EndTime = 30*3600 } else if (StartTime == 30*3600) { y[TNF] = 10 EndTime = 33*3600 } else if (StartTime == 33*3600) { y[Gamma] = Gy EndTime = 34*3600 } else if (StartTime == 34*3600) { y[Gamma] = 0 y[TNF] = 0 } list(EndTime,y) } } else { timep <- getNativeSymbolInfo("TNF_before_IR", PACKAGE="protocols_propensities")$address } model <- list(pre=pre, post=post, h=h, slow=slow, M=M, place=place, transition=transition) set.seed(19761111) Sim <- HaseltineRawlings(model, timep, delta, runs, ect) nLast <- length(Sim$dt) #ApopSurv <- t(sapply(Sim$run, function(run) {as.matrix(run$M[nLast,c("Aktp","P53pn")])})) ApopSurv <- t(sapply(Sim$run, function(run) {$M)[nLast,c(Aktp,P53pn)]})) colnames(ApopSurv) <- c("Aktp", "P53pn") pdf(file="second_example.pdf", width=8, height=7) par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 1) + 0.1) plot(ApopSurv,type="p", pch=".", main=paste("Fraction of Apoptotic/Surviving cells (", runs," runs)", sep=""), ylim=c(0,8e5),xlim=c(0,5e4)) legend("topleft", "P53pn", bty="n") legend("bottomright", "Aktp ", bty="n") b <- 8e5/5e4 abline(a=0,b=b) text(1.9e4,4.5e5, paste("Apoptotic:", sum(ApopSurv[,"P53pn"] >= as.numeric(ApopSurv[,"Aktp"]) * b))) text(3.6e4,4.5e5, paste("Surviving:", sum(ApopSurv[,"P53pn"] < as.numeric(ApopSurv[,"Aktp"]) * b))) plot(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[1]]$M[[P53pn]],type="l",col="green",ylim=c(0,6e5), xlab="",ylab="", main=paste("P53pn, MDM2pn and DSB (first",, "runs)"), panel.first=grid(col="black")) lines(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[1]]$M[[MDM2pn]],type="l",col="red") lines(Sim$dt/3600,(Sim$run[[1]]$M[[DSB]])*1000,type="l",col="blue") if ( > 1) { for (n in { lines(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[n]]$M[[P53pn]],type="l",col="green") lines(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[n]]$M[[MDM2pn]],type="l",col="red") lines(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[n]]$M[[DSB]]*1000,type="l",col="blue") } } old.par <- par(font=2) legend("topleft",c("P53pn", "MDM2pn", "DSB*1000"), col=c("green", "red", "blue"), lty=1) par(old.par) plot(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[1]]$M[[AF]],type="l",col="orange",ylim=c(0,9e5), xlab="",ylab="", main=paste("AF (first",, "runs)"), panel.first=grid(col="black")) abline(h=6.5e5, lty=2, col="red") if ( > 1) { for (n in { lines(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[n]]$M[[AF]],type="l",col="orange") } } which.places <- c( TNF, Gamma, G_PTEN, G_MDM2, G_P53, G_A20, G_IkBa ) for (plc in which.places) { plot.type = "s" plot(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[1]]$M[[plc]],type=plot.type,main=paste(place[plc], "(first run)"), xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0, max(as.numeric(lapply(Sim$run, function(run) {max(run$M[[plc]])})))), panel.first=grid(col="black")) } which.places <- c( PTENt, PTEN, PIP, PIPp, Akt, Aktp, MDM2t, MDM2, MDM2p, MDM2pn, P53t, P53n, P53pn, IKKKn, IKKKa, IKKn, IKKa, IKKi, IKKii, A20t, A20, IkBat, IkBa, IkBap, IkBan, NFkB, NFkBn, NFkB_IkBa, NFkB_IkBap, NFkB_IkBan, Rec, DSB ) for (plc in which.places) { plot.type = "l" plot(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[1]]$M[[plc]],type=plot.type,main=paste(place[plc], "(first",, "runs)"), xlab="",ylab="",ylim=c(0, max(as.numeric (lapply(Sim$run, function(run) {max(run$M[[plc]])})))), panel.first=grid(col="black")) if ( > 1) { for (n in { lines(Sim$dt/3600,Sim$run[[n]]$M[[plc]],type=plot.type) } } }