[ General info | People | Papers&Presentations | Code | Ns Simulator code ]


General Info
pathChirp Architecture

pathChirp is a new active probing tool for estimating the available bandwidth on a communication network path. Based on the concept of "self-induced congestion," pathChirp features an exponential flight pattern of probes we call a chirp. Packet chirps offer several significant advantages over current probing schemes based on packet pairs or packet trains. By rapidly increasing the probing rate within each chirp, pathChirp obtains a rich set of information from which to dynamically estimate the available bandwidth.

Another of our tools, STAB, is based on pathChirp and locates available bandwidth bottlenecks.




Papers & Presentations




Ns Simulator code
  • You should already have the ns-2 simulator installed. You can obtain ns-2 code here. In the following NS-2-DIR refers to your ns-2.* directory (example: ns-2.27)
  • Save current files: Before untarring the code below, save a few ns files that will be overwritten so that you can revert to the original easily. 1) cd NS-2-DIR
    2) tar -cvf original.tar Makefile.in FILES tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl common/packet.h

    In case you need to revert to the original code:

    1) cd NS-2-DIR
    2) tar -xvf original.tar
    3) make clean
    4) ./configure
    5) make depend
    6) make

  • Download Code: pathchirp_ns_2.27.tar (for ns_2.27), pathchirp_ns_2.26.tar (for ns_2.26)

    To add the pathChirp code to ns-2, copy the pathChirp_ns_2.27.tar (or pathChirp_ns_2.26.tar) file to NS-2-DIR and run the following commands.

    1) cd NS-2-DIR
    2) tar -xvf pathchirp_ns_2.*tar

    If you have not already saved your current files, go to the "Save current files" instructions above. Otherwise follow the instructions in the README_PATHCHIRP file OR proceed as follows.

    3) tar -xvf pathchirp_code.tar
    4) make clean
    5) ./configure
    6) make depend
    7) make

    To run an experiment using pathChirp read the README_PATHCHIRP file.


Please report any bugs or send comments regarding these programs to vinay@rice.edu

August, 2004, Vinay Ribeiro