Stat 410 HW 3 9-8-2005 D. Scott Due 9-15 For each of the 4 dataset in the homework /hw3 directory, run your new function that creates a 2 by 2 array of figures containing 1) a plot of the data with the regression line superimposed 2) a textual summary of an ANOVA testing H: beta1 = 0 a) use text commands to do this in a rough fashion b) if there are duplicate x values, then also perform a "lack-of-fit" test and add to the ANOVA table 3) present a qq-plot to visually test the normality of the residuals 4) using box-cox transforms on both x and y separately, (but not both together) plot the SSE (not RSE) as a function of lambda, for values between (-2,2) Make your function general enough that you can use it for all four of the datasets. You may wish to have optional arguments for labels, titles, etc. Datasets: 1. sim.dat 2. wheat.potato 3. miles.emissions 4. cars (predict mpg from weight) Hint: For frame 2, use frame() to advance to the next plotting region. par("usr") tells you the default coordinates for adding text.