Transportation & Local Information

Below you will find information (fares, air lines, bus lines, schedules) about how to arrive to Xalapa from International airport of Mexico City (airport code MEX), International airport of Veracruz City (airport code VER) and by bus from Orient Bus Statation (TAPO).

Taking transportation inside the airport.

* The schedule here provided can be consulted online in

Alternative transportation

If you do not find an appropiate schedule inside the airport, you can travel by taking secure taxis at the airport to the bus central stations.

From International Airport of Mexico City
  1. Take a secure taxi inside the airport to TAPO (Terminal de Autobuses de Pasajeros de Oriente). Fares are between 100 and 250 pesos
  2. From TAPO to Xalapa City you can find about 50 departure from 00:45 hrs. to 23:59 hrs., with fares around 236 (AU), 276 (ADO), 330 (ADO) and 480 (ADO platina) pesos.
  3. Schedule can be consulted online
  4. Arriving to CAXA you can take a secure taxi to hotel xalapa, fare about 35 pesos

From International Airport of Veracruz City
  1. Take a secure taxi inside the airport to CAXA (Central de Autobuses de Xalapa). Fares are between 150 and 235 pesos
  2. From CAXA to Xalapa City you can find departure each 15 minutes from 1:00 hrs. to 23:50 hrs., with fares around 88 (AU), 100 (ADO), 120 (ADO) and 480 (ADO platina) pesos
  3. Schedule can be consulted online
  4. Arriving to CAXA you can take a secure taxi to hotel xalapa, fare about 25 pesos.

* Additionally it is possible to travel by airplane to the national airport of Lencero (airport code JAL) by the Mexican airline Aeromar, departing from Mexico City.

From Bus Station (Xalapa) to Facultad de Estadística e Informática.

Sitios de interés:

Museo de Antropología de Xalapa 
Museo el Lencero 
Xico y Texolo 
Parque Nacional Cofre de Perote 
El Tajin
Guía Turística de Xalapa, incluye el clima
Ayuntamiento de Xalapa