Invited Session Scientific Committee
Javier Rojo, Chair                --  Rice University
           Jane Ling Wang        --  UC Davis 
           Rudy Guerra             --  Rice University 
           Juliet P. Shaffer         --  UC Berkeley 
           Wei-Yin Loh              --  University of Wisconsin-Madison
           Peter J. Bickel            --  UC Berkeley
           Kjell Doskum             --  University of Wisconsin-Madison
              Yongzhao Shao             --  New York University
              Demissie Alemayehu   --  Pfizer
             James O. Berger          --  Duke University


Invited Sessions

Wei-Yin Loh

Statistical problems in the analysis of genomic and magnetic resonance imaging data

Sunduz Keles -- University of Wisconsin, Madison

Statistical issues arising in the study of transcription regulation

Shaw-Hwa Lo -- Columbia University

A method toward mapping of common traits

Young K. Truong -- UNC at Chapel Hill

Spatio-temporal modeling for fMRI data

Jane-Ling Wang

Recent Advances in Non and Semiparametric Modeling

Kjell Doksum -- University of Wisconsin, Madison

Semiparametric models based on transformations and extremes

Xihong Lin -- Harvard School of Public Health

Statistical challenges in analyzing mass spectrometry proteomic data

Naisyin Wang -- Texas A&M University

Analysis of Hierarchical Biomedical Data Using Semiparametric Models

Juliet P. Shaffer
Multiplicity: Developments and current issues

Charles Lewis -- Fordham University

Bayesian Decision Theory for Multiple Comparisons

Helmut Finner -- German Diabetes Center, Duesseldorf

Testing for equivalence in k sample models

Ajit C. Tamhane -- Northwestern University

A Mixture Model Approach to Estimating the Number of True Null Hypotheses and Adaptive Control of FDR

Javier Rojo

Young Investigators

Yolanda Muñoz

Brisa N. Sanchez -- University of Michigan

Residual-based diagnostics for structural equation models

Jose Enrique Figueroa -- Purdue University

Non-parametric estimation for some models
driven by Levy processes

Yolanda Muñoz Maldonado -- UT Health Sc Center Houston

Penalized least squares and frequentist and  bayesian mixed-effects models

Farinaz Koushanfar -- Rice University

How challenging is the data set?

Kjell Doksum

Semiparametric models, longitudinal survival data,
false discovery rate, and brain fMRI

Jane-Ling Wang -- UC Davis

Semiparametric Analysis of longitudinal Data Truncated by Event-time

Kam-Wah Tsui and Shijie Tang -- University of Wisconsin,   Madison

Simultaneous testing of multiple hypotheses
using  generalized p-values

Chunming Zhang -- University of Wisconsin, Madison

Semiparametric Detection of Significant
Activation for Brain fMRI

James O. Berger

Multiple testing and subgroup analysis

Juliet P. Shaffer -- University of California, Berkeley

Multiplicity and subgroup analysis

Peter Mueller -- UT  MD Anderson Cancer Center

The Optimal Discovery Procedure and Bayesian Decision Rules

Susie Bayarri -- Universidad de Valencia, Spain

Bayesian and Frequentist Handling of Multiple Testing

Javier Rojo, Organizer

Christian Houdre, Chair

Probability, Levy Process, and Applications

Dennis D. Cox -- Rice University

Multiscale Models for Chemical Reaction Processes

Davar Khoshnevisan -- The University of Utah

On Some Applications of Stable Processes

Christian Houdre -- Georgia Institute of Technology

Generic Concentration Inequalities

Peter J. Bickel

Regularized methods of classification and estimation of nonparametric regression and covariance matrices when data is high dimensional

Wei-Yin Loh -- University of Wisconsin, Madison

Regression and variable selection in large p,
small n problems

Debashis Paul -- University of California, Davis

Principal component analysis for structured high-dimensional data

Ya'acov Ritov -- Hebrew University

Consistent learning methods are approximately local

Demissie Alemayehu and
Yongzhao Shao, Organizers

Yongzhao Shao, Chair

Statistical Inference for Population
Substructures via Clustering,
Mixture Models and other Approaches

Session Summary

Bruce G. Lindsay -- Penn State University

Modal inference: Halfway between
clustering and mixture analyses

Yuewu Xu -- Fordham University

A limit theory for likelihood ratio test under unidentifiability for general dependent processes

Yongzhao Shao -- New York University School of Medicine

Recent developments in likelihood theory with applications to testing homogeneity in finite mixture models and other models

Rudy Guerra

Statistical Optimality in Bioinformatics: Theory vs Practice

Session Summary

David Dahl-- Texas A&M University

Simultaneous Inference for Multiple Testing and Clustering via Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

Chad Shaw -- Baylor College of Medicine

Using Annotations in the Analysis of Genome Scale Data

Rudy Guerra -- Rice University

Incorporating biological knowledge in gene expression analysis